Change Email: Self-Hosted UI
Wristband Identity Provider: Passwords
If you intend to self-host the Email Change Confirmation Page and utilize Wristband APIs to facilitate the Change Email Workflow, it is necessary to override the Action Link URL for the Email Change Confirmation Email Policy in the Wristband Dashboard for your application. The URL value should point to the location of your application's self-hosted Email Change Confirmation Page.
Workflow Steps:
- The user clicks on the Action Link in the Email Change Confirmation email sent to their inbox.
- The user is redirected to your application's self-hosted Email Change Confirmation Page along with the Email Authorization Code query parameter.
- The user submits their password.
- Your application calls the Wristband Confirm New Email For Password Auth Flow API, passing along the Email Authorization Code.
- A message is displayed to the user indicating that verification succeeded.
At this point, the workflow is complete, and the user can exit the page.
Wristband Identity Provider: Magic Link Login (Passwordless)
If you intend to self-host the Passwordless Email Change Confirmation Page and utilize Wristband APIs to facilitate the Change Email Workflow, it is necessary to override the Action Link URL for the Passwordless Email Change Confirmation Email Policy in the Wristband Dashboard for your application. The URL value should point to the location of your application's self-hosted Passwordless Email Change Confirmation Page.
Workflow Steps:
- The user clicks on the Action Link in the Email Change Confirmation email sent to their inbox.
- The user is redirected to your application's self-hosted Email Change Confirmation Page along with the Email Authorization Code query parameter.
- The user clicks the "Continue" button.
- Your application calls the Wristband Confirm New Email For Passwordless Email Auth Flow API, passing along the Email Authorization Code.
- During API execution, a Passwordless Email Change Confirmation email is sent to the user's current email address.
- The user clicks on the Action Link in the Passwordless Email Change Confirmation email sent to their inbox.
- The user is redirected to your application's self-hosted Passwordless Email Change Confirmation Page.
- Your application calls the Wristband Confirm Current Email For Passwordless Email Auth Flow API, passing along the Email Authorization Code.
- A message is displayed to the user indicating that verification succeeded.
At this point, the workflow is complete, and the user can exit the page.
External Identity Provider
If you intend to self-host the External IDP Email Change Confirmation Page and utilize Wristband APIs to facilitate the Change Email Workflow, it is necessary to override the Custom External IDP Change Email Page URL in the Wristband Dashboard for your application. This ensures that Wristband directs users to the specified locations whenever your self-hosted External IDP Email Change Confirmation Page needs to be presented.
Workflow Steps:
- The user clicks on the Action Link in the Email Change Confirmation email sent to their inbox.
- The user is redirected to your application's self-hosted Email Change Confirmation Page.
- The user clicks the "Authenticate" button, which triggers a call to the Wristband Authorize External IDP User for Change Email Endpoint.
- Wristband redirects the user to the identity provider's login page.
- The user submits their credentials.
- The identity provider redirects the user to the Wristband External IDP Callback Endpoint (found in the Identity Providers section of the Wristband dashboard for your given IDP), where Wristband creates an External IDP Authorization Code required for completing authentication.
- Wristband redirects the user to your application's self-hosted External IDP Email Change Confirmation Page along with an External IDP Authorization Code that will be used for verification.
- Your application calls the Wristband Confirm New Email For External IDP Auth Flow API, passing along the External IDP Authorization Code.
- A message is displayed to the user indicating that verification succeeded.
At this point, the workflow is complete, and the user can exit the page.
Updated 8 months ago