Implementing Wristband Auth Endpoints

Learn how to implement the core Wristband authentication endpoints within your application.

To integrate with Wristband's user authentication flow, you'll need to implement the following three endpoints within your application: the Login Endpoint, the Callback Endpoint, and the Logout Endpoint.



Where supported, you can use a Wristband SDK to handle all endpoint logic, eliminating the need to manually implement the API integration.

1. Login Endpoint

The Login Endpoint initiates a user authentication request by redirecting to the Wristband Authorization Endpoint.


  1. Before redirecting to the Wristband Authorization Endpoint, the application should store any state that needs to be accessible in the Callback Endpoint. For example, if PKCE is being used, then the PKCE code verifier needs to be stored so that it can be passed to the Wristband Token Endpoint. Likewise, if deep linking is required, then a return URL also needs to be stored.
  2. Construct the authorization URL with the required parameters. The required parameters depend on the type of client making the authorization request. For example, a single-page application client must ensure that PKCE query parameters are included in the authorization request.
  3. Redirect the user to the Authorization Endpoint.

Wristband APIs to Call

Initiates the Authorization Code Flow for end users. Redirects users to the Wristband-hosted login page.

Preserving Login State

Before the Login Endpoint redirects to Wristband's Authorization Endpoint, certain state values must be persisted so that they can later be retrieved from the Callback Endpoint. Several methods can be used to persist the state values:

  • Cookies
  • Server-side cache (e.g., Redis)
  • Local storage (SPA)
  • In-memory storage (native apps)

Login Endpoint Query Parameters

Your application's login endpoint needs to support the following query parameters:

Query ParameterTypeDescription
login_hintstringA hint to Wristband about the user's preferred login identifier. This can be appended as a query parameter in the redirect request to the Wristband Authorization Endpoint.
return_urlstringThe location of where to send users after authenticating. This value should be persisted so it can be retrieved later from the Callback Endpoint.
tenant_custom_domainstringThe custom domain of the tenant that the user belongs to. This value will only be present if the tenant has a custom domain defined. If this value is present, it should be used as the domain of the Wristband Authorization Endpoint URL.
tenant_domainstringThe domain name of the tenant the user belongs to. This value will only be present if the application's login URL does not use tenant subdomains. If the tenant_custom_domainvalue is not present; then this value should be used to construct the domain of the Wristband authorization endpoint URL.

2. Callback Endpoint

The Callback Endpoint receives incoming calls from Wristband after the user has authenticated. If the user authenticated successfully, an authorization code will be passed to the Callback Endpoint. The Callback Endpoint can use the authorization code to retrieve an access token and refresh token from the Wristband Token Endpoint. After retrieving the access token, the Callback Endpoint can also call Wristband's UserInfo Endpoint to get information about the authenticated user. Finally, the Callback Endpoint needs to persist the tokens and any other session-related information before redirecting back to the application.


  1. Use the state query parameter value to retrieve any persisted state values state values (e.g., PKCE code verifier).
  2. Exchange the authorization code for an access token and refresh token using the Wristband Token Endpoint.
  3. Establish an application session and redirect the user back to the application.

Wristband APIs to Call

Provides access tokens and refresh tokens for authenticated users.

Provides additional user information about the authenticated user.

Callback Endpoint Query Parameters

Your application should have the ability to handle the following query parameters as part of a request to your Callback Endpoint:

Query ParameterTypeDescription
codestringThe authorization code used to retrieve access and refresh tokens.
errorstringAn error code indicating that an issue occurred during the login process.
error_descriptionstringA plaintext description giving more detail around the error that occurred.
statestringThe state value that was originally sent to the Wristband Authorization Endpoint.
tenant_custom_domainstringIf the tenant has a custom domain defined, then this query parameter will be part of the incoming request to the Callback Endpoint. If a redirect to the Login Endpoint is required, then this should be appended as a query parameter when redirecting to the Login Endpoint.
tenant_domainstringThe domain name of the tenant the user belongs to. If a redirect to the Login Endpoint is required, and neither tenant subdomains nor tenant custom domains are utilized, then this should be appended as a query parameter when redirecting to the Login Endpoint.

3. Logout Endpoint

The Logout Endpoint is used to delete the application session and revoke any refresh tokens associated with the session. In addition, the Logout Endpoint must redirect to the Wristband Logout Endpoint to delete the user's authentication session within the Wristband platform. Afterwards, Wristband will redirect to the application's login URL (unless configured otherwise).


  1. Destroy the application session.
  2. Revoke the refresh token (if applicable) using the Wristband Revoke Token Endpoint.
  3. Redirect the user to the Wristband Logout Endpoint.

Wristband APIs to Call

Revokes the specified refresh token.

Terminates the Wristband authentication session for an end user. Redirects to the application login URL after clearing session data.