Introduction To Our APIs

Wristband is an API-first platform.

Wristband's APIs drive our hosted UIs for authentication and onboarding workflows. Our APIs fall into three categories:

  • Authentication APIs
  • Onboarding Workflow APIs
  • Resource Management APIs

These APIs enable seamless integration of Wristband's functionality into your applications, allowing you to manage authentication, authorization, and identity with ease.

Authentication APIs

Authentication APIs

Authentication APIs facilitate secure user login, adhering to OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.1 protocols. Use these APIs in your Login, Callback, and Logout Endpoints to implement the Authorization Code Flow.

Onboarding Workflow APIs

Onboarding Workflow APIs

Onboarding Workflow APIs guide users through onboarding and authentication processes, including user signup, password resets, and tenant discovery. Use these APIs for custom workflows if you opt for a self-hosted UI instead of Wristband's hosted UI.

Resource Management APIs

Resource Management APIs

Resource Management APIs provide control over entity resources in Wristband, including tenants, users, and roles. Integrate these APIs into your application for comprehensive tenant and user management.