Provision a Tenant

You will need to provision a tenant in order to test your application.

Let's create a Standard Tenant in order to test our authentication setup in later steps.

Creating a New Tenant

  1. When you are in your app, click on the "Tenants" link in the left navigation menu.
  2. Next, click on the "Add Tenant" button. This will display a dialog to setup your new tenant.

Choose Display and Domain Names

  1. Within the "Create a New Tenant" dialog, select your tenant type. Most multi-tenant apps choose "Standard".


    Tenant Types

    To learn more about the different types of tenants, please review our docs. For testing purposes, the Standard Tenant type is sufficient.

  2. Provide a "Display Name" that is descriptive for you to identify.
  3. Provide a "Domain Name", which will serve as a subdomain value for your app. It must be unique within your app, and it is also case-insensitive.
  4. Click the "Create" button.
  5. Success! You have created a tenant for your app.

From here, you will create a user under this new tenant which can be used for testing the auth integration later in this guide.

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