• Enable Tenant Override: Toggle this switch to enable overrides for branding settings for this tenant. This allows you to customize branding at the tenant level.

  • Hosted Pages Branding: Customize the visual appearance of Wristband-hosted login pages for your tenant:

    • Preview Screen: View the login pages as they will appear for the tenant.
    • Page Branding Editor: Customize:
      • Page Background: Choose a background color or image.
      • Form Panel: Choose a background color for the form panel.
      • Logo: Upload your tenant's logo.
      • Form Input: Select colors for input fields.
      • Primary Button: Select colors for primary buttons.
      • Secondary Button: Select colors for secondary buttons.
      • Links: Choose colors for links, including hover states.
      • Other Colors: Select colors for other elements like success messages, error messages, and borders.
      • Legal Info: Customize the terms of service link, privacy policy link, and legal info displayed on the page.
  • Email Branding: Customize the branding of transactional emails sent to users within the tenant:

    • Sender Details: Specify the name and email address used to send emails.
    • Logo: Upload your tenant's logo to be included in emails.
    • Primary Button: Choose colors for primary buttons within emails.
    • Support Info: Customize the support information displayed within emails.

Remember: These configurations apply to all Wristband-hosted pages and emails for the specific tenant. By leveraging these settings, you can ensure a personalized and consistent user experience for your B2B customers.