User lifecycle

Wristband empowers you to oversee the entire user lifecycle for your application. This includes guiding users through various stages, from their initial registration or onboarding to account management and eventual account closure or de-provisioning.

User Statuses

The following is a list of all possible statuses your application users can have in Wristband:

User StatusDescriptionAllowed Actions
ACTIVEThe user has been activated and is allowed to authenticate with the application successfully.The user can go through all Wristband workflows except for the New User Invitation and Signup workflows.
INACTIVEThe user has been deactivated and can no longer authenticate with the application.The user can be re-activated either by sending them an Existing User Invitation or by manually activating them.
PENDING_INVITE_ACTIVATIONThe user was provisioned through the New User Invite Workflow and is in the activation process but has not yet clicked the link in the activation email.The user can go through the User Activation Workflow. Application admins can manually trigger an activation email to be sent to the user or directly activate the user without requiring them to complete the User Activation Workflow. The user cannot go through any other workflows aside from the User Activation Flow.
PENDING_SIGNUP_ACTIVATIONThe user was provisioned through the Signup Workflow and is in the activation process but has not yet clicked the link in the activation email.The user can go through the User Activation Workflow. Admins can manually trigger an activation email to be sent to the user or directly activate the user without requiring them to complete the activation flow. The user cannot go through any other workflows aside from the User Activation Flow.
PROVISIONEDThe user has been provisioned but cannot authenticate successfully yet. This is typically the initial state if the user is manually created by an admin.The user can be activated by sending them an Existing User Invitation or directly activated by an admin.


Inactive Applications and Tenants

Even if a user has an ACTIVE status, they will not be able to authenticate with the application if their associated tenant has an INACTIVE status or if the application itself is marked as INACTIVE.

User Status State Machine

The following visual representation illustrates the possible transitions between different states for a user. It demonstrates how a user moves from one state to the next in Wristband.

User Lifecycle State Machine