post https://{applicationQualifiedDomain}
Resolves the redirect URLs for the specified tenant and identity provider types. The domain name used in the redirect URLs
will be the active vanity domain for the specified tenant. By default the active vanity domain is the tenant's default vanity domain;
however, if the application that the tenant belongs to has an active custom domain, then the vanity domain used in the redirect URLs will
be the application's active custom domain with the tenant's domain name prepended as a subdomain.
Required Permissions
Below is the list of required permissions needed to interact with this API. For each permission the allowed permission boundaries are also specified.
Permission | Boundary | Description |
identity-provider:read | Application | The subject can perform this request if the tenant specified in the URL path belongs to the subject's associated application. |
Tenant | The subject can perform this request if they are associated to the tenant specified in the URL path. | |
Tenant Inclusion List | The subject can perform this request if the tenant specified in the URL path is included in the tenant inclusion list. | |
Tenant Exclusion List | The subject can perform this request if the tenant specified in the URL path belongs to the subject's associated application and is not included in the tenant exclusion list. |