Query Password Reset Requests Filtered By User

Method which can be used to query for password reset requests scoped to a given user. The results can be paginated using the start_index and count query parameters. The start_index query parameter is a 1-based index which determines the first item that should be retrieved from the result set. The count query parameter determines the max number of items that can be returned in the response.

Query Filter Attributes:

  • status
  • type

Query Sort Attributes:

  • status
  • type

Required Permissions

Below is the list of required permissions needed to interact with this API. For each permission the allowed permission boundaries are also specified.

password-reset-request:readApplicationThe subject can perform this query if the user specified in the URL path belongs to the subject's associated application.
TenantThe subject can perform this query if the user specified in the URL path belongs to the subject's associated tenant.
Tenant Inclusion ListThe subject can perform this query if the user specified in the URL path belongs to a tenant included in the tenant inclusion list.
Tenant Exclusion ListThe subject can perform this query if the user specified in the URL path belongs to the subject's associated application but is not associated with a tenant in the tenant exclusion list.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!