Fetch Tenants

Fetches all distinct tenants that a user is associated to within an application that satisfy the following criteria:

  1. The tenant much contain a user whose email matches the specified email in the tenant discovery request.
  2. The user's email must be be verified.
  3. The user must have an ACTIVE status
  4. The tenant must have an ACTIVE status.

Note, this API can be called in two distinct ways.

  1. The first way is directly. With this approach the applicationId and email fields must be provided in the request body. Optionally, a clientId can be provided to utilize the login URL from the client when resolving the login URLs returned in the response.
  2. The second way is from an email tenant discovery flow. With this approach the emailAuthCode field must be provided in the request body. The results returned in the response will be based off the applicationId and email fields that were specified when the tenant discovery email was sent.

This API utilizes cursor pagination with the results being sorted by tenantDomainName in ascending order.

Required Permissions

Below is the list of required permissions needed to interact with this API. For each permission the allowed permission boundaries are also specified.

tenant-discovery-workflow:executeApplicationThe subject can perform this operation for requests associated to the application that the subject belongs to.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!